This study demonstrates that the structure of cadmium hydroxides(Cd(OH)2) precipitated from a basic cadmium nitrate solution can be finely controlled by adjusting the pHof the precursor solution. The synthesis process involves only pouring the saturated solutioninto pure water to quench the pH and the total process is finished within 30 s. At a shallowpH quenching, the unstable nanoparticles turned into microparticles via a ripening process.Cd(OH)2 was precipitated in the form of one-dimensional nanowires and then two-dimensional platesas the pH quenching was increased. At a large pH quenching, porous aggregates ofCd(OH)2 were obtained due to the too fast precipitation. The ultrafineCd(OH)2 nanowires were readily transformed into CdSe chain-like nanocrystals. The transformation was quickand gave 100% yield, facilitating massive production of CdSe nanocrystals in an aqueous condition.The Cd(OH)2 nanowires were directly grown on Si nanowires and transformed into CdSe chain-likenanocrystals, decorating the surface of each Si nanowire.