Four-jointed box kinase 1 (Fjx1) is a planar cell polarity (PCP) protein and a member of the Fat (FAT atypical cadherin 1)/Dchs (Dachsous cadherin-related protein)/Fjx1 PCP complex. Fjx1 is also a non-receptor Ser/Thr protein kinase capable of phosphorylating Fat1 at is extracellular cadherin domains when it is being transported across the Golgi system. As such, Fjx1 is a Golgi-based regulator of Fat1 function by determining its extracellular deposition. Herein, Fjx1 was found to localize across the Sertoli cell cytoplasm, partially co-localized with the microtubules (MTs) across the seminiferous epithelium. It was most notable at the apical ES (ectoplasmic specialization) and basal ES, displaying distinctive stage-specific expression. The apical ES and basal ES are the corresponding testis-specific cell adhesion ultrastructures at the Sertoli-elongated spermatid interface and the Sertoli cell-cell interface, respectively, consistent with the role of Fjx1 as a Golgi-associated Ser/Thr kinase that modulates the Fat (and/or Dchs) integral membrane proteins. Its knockdown (KD) by RNAi using specific Fjx1 siRNA duplexes versus non-targeting negative control siRNA duplexes was found to perturb the Sertoli cell tight junction function, as well as perturbing the function and organization of MT and actin. While Fjx1 KD did not affect the steady-state levels of almost two dozens of BTB-associated Sertoli cell proteins, including structural and regulatory proteins, its KD was found to down-regulate Fat1 (but not Fat2, 3, and 4) and to up-regulate Dchs1 (but not Dchs2) expression. Based on results of biochemical analysis, Fjx1 KD was found to be capable of abolishing phosphorylation of its putative substrate Fat1 at its Ser/Thr sites, but not at its Tyr site, illustrating an intimate functional relationship of Fjx1 and Fat1 in Sertoli cells.