The creation of cadastral plans, and then different types of maps, is the procedure by which space is coded. During the creation of cadastral plans, they are topographed and different names and auxiliary text are written on them. The geological maps were also topographed during the procedure of creating geological maps. This is necessary in order for the content of the geological map to be complete. These procedures offer the user of cadastral plans and geological maps a lot of information about the terrain presented on the cadastral plans and geological maps. The first cadastral plans and geological maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina are related to the rule of the Austro Hungarian Monarchy. These cadastral plans arose as a result of the first systematic survey of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which took place after Bosnia and Herzegovina became part of the then powerful Austro Hungarian Monarchy. The survey started in 1880. and it was successfully completed in 1884. Cadastral plans created as a result of this surveys are called plans of the old survey. They were create in scales of 1: 6250, 1: 3125, 1: 1562.5 and 1: 781.25. Unfortunately, a lot of these plans were destroyed during Second World War. In the environments in which they exist, these cadastral plans are inexhaustible historical sources for many researchers. Cadastral plans of the old survey have a special significance in the historical cartography of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The current cadastral plans are arising as a result of survey which realized after the Second World War, when Bosnia and Herzegovina were one of the federal units of the former Yugoslavia. Cadastral plans created on the basis of the results of a survey carried out in the aforementioned period are called plans of the new survey. They were created in scales of 1: 5000, 1: 2500, 1: 2000, 1: 1000 and 1: 500. The subject of the survey were all objects and data certained for recording in the cadastral register and land register. The survey included the madrasas that existed in Travnik: madrasa of Elči Ibrahim-paša, madrasa of Mehmed-paša Kukavica and madrasa of the Mehmed-paša Muhsinović. Madrasas on the cadastral plans of old survey is the subject of research in this paper. The madrasa of Elči Ibrahim- paša was also surveyed during the maintenance of cadastral register. The paper analyzes the depictions of the madrasas in the on the updated lithographic copies of the original cadastral plans of the old survey, which served as working originals of the cadastral plans on which the graphic part of the cadastral register was maintained.
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