A variety of algorithms for performing agglomerative hierarchical clustering analysis have been embodied in programs on mainframe computers (Blashfield, Aldenderfer, & Morey, 1982), but few clustering programs are available as yet for microcomputers (Whaley, 1982; recently Gilpin, 1985, described a program which performs hierarchical clustering analysis using a divisive procedure). Program APCLUST performs hierarchical clustering analyses on the Apple IT family of computers. Requirements. The program is written in APPLESOFf BASIC, a dialect of Microsoft BASIC, and should run without changes on other members of the Apple IT family (IT, ITe, and ITc), provided at least 48K bytes of RAM are available (the program requires 28K bytes of free memory). It is written to direct output to a printer if one is available, but may be used on systems lacking a printer as well. Conversion to other systems running Microsoft BASICs should be straightforward; a section of the APPLESOFf BASIC manual is devoted to relevant peculiarities of the Apple IT version. A disk drive running DOS 3.3 is necessary if the me input option, discussed below, is to be used. Input/Output Options. The program APCLUST requires as input the upper half (including diagonal) of a triangular matrix of values representing dissimilarities between pairs of up to 60 objects (variables). Data may be entered in three ways: (1) via DATA statements added to the program; (2) via entry from the keyboard during program execution; and (3) via a previously created data file on diskette (a utility program, APCLUSTFILEBUILDER, is provided to create the file). Output may be directed to the screen or to a printer in any slot (port) number. If desired, the program will pause periodically during output, awaiting a response from the user, to prevent results from scrolling off the screen. APCLUST assumes that the data matrix represents a single two/way