Summary The data consisted of the first-lactation milk and butterfat records of 5,454 daughters of 305 Red Danish Milkrace sires tested at the Danish bull testing stations and the first test-year milk and fat records of 3,270 daughters of 110 of these same sires tested in farmer herds. All records were expressed in kilograms. For the test station data, the components of variance associated with differences between sires within stations and years were 229 for butterfat and 107,652 for milk. The corresponding components for field data after removing herd differences were 71 and 40,540. After expressing each daughter's record as a deviation from its contemporary herd average, the corresponding components were 53 and 32,125. The within-sire components for butterfat were 1,280, 970, and 916, respectively, for the three methods, and 541,696, 513,697, and 527,477, respectively, for milk. The heritabilities resulting from the three methods, assuming that the sire component is wholly genetic, are 0.66, 0.29, and 0.23 for milk and 0.61, 0.27, and 0.22 for butterfat, respectively. One might expect the estimates of heritability obtained from test station data to be somewhat higher than those obtained from field data, but not nearly so much higher as was found in this study. It is concluded that the estimates based on test station data are higher mainly because environmental differences at the same test station in the same year are confounded with progeny groups, thus putting much environmental variance in the sire components and increasing them more than the within-sire components. The estimates of the genetic correlation between station tests and field tests were 0.68 for milk and 0.75 for butterfat. On the other hand, the genetic correlations between independent field tests were 0.94 and 0.92 for milk and butterfat, respectively. This suggests that there is either a large interaction between sires and level of management or that the between-sire components from test station data are inflated with environmental differences. The latter cause is a more logical explanation, as the present data and previous data indicate that the interaction between sires and herds is small. For a constant number of daughters per sire of five or more, the regression of a future daughter in farmer herds on a test in farmer herds exceeds the regression of a future daughter in farmer herds on a test at the test stations. This is true for both milk and butterfat. As the number of daughters per sire increases, the regression based on a field test becomes increasingly larger than the regression based on station tests. For example, for ten daughters the former is 1.44 and 1.48 times the latter for milk and butterfat, respectively; whereas, for 20 daughters the former is 1.73 and 1.75 times the latter for milk and butterfat, respectively. The expected genetic superiority of future daughters, in farmer herds, of sires chosen on a basis of progeny tests is b y'x ( z/b ) σ x for station tests and b y'r ( z/b ) σ y for field tests. Assuming that the same percentage of sires is saved as a result of each system of testing, field tests and station tests can be compared. In the case of milk, if the number of daughters per sire is seven or more, then the expected genetic superiority resulting from selection based on field tests is greater than that resulting from station tests. If the number is less than seven, then the reverse is true. In the case of butterfat production, selection on field tests is superior to selection on station tests if the number of daughters is 15 or more. If the number is less than 15, then the reverse is true. As the numbers increase from seven and 15, the superiority of the field test increases for both milk and butterfat. For 20 daughters per sire, the expected genetic improvement from selection based on field tests is 1.14 and 1.02 times that resulting from station tests for milk and butterfat, respectively. In general, the field tests seem to be superior to station tests if the number of daughters per sire is 15 or more. This superiority increases as the number of daughters per sire increases. In areas where a high percentage of herds is on test there appears to be little need for special dairy sire progeny-testing stations. Assuming that the environmental differences confounded with sires can be controlled by proper experimental design and station operation, and that the expense of operating stations need not necessarily be high, the most serious limitation of test stations is the number of sires that can be tested. To make the expected genetic gain from selection based on tests at special test stations higher than that now expected, more sires should be tested with fewer daughters per sire.
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