The paper provides information on the effectiveness of using a two-component herbicide on soybean crops. The effectiveness of its use at different rates of application and introduction, both with and without adjuvants, as well as the species sensitivity of weeds to the active ingredients of the drug have been studied. Options for chemical weeding have been identified with the most effective and safe consumption rates of herbicide with adjuvants, in a tank mixture with which it was possible to achieve maximum suppression of dicotyledonous and cereal weeds and ensure a high yield of soybean grain up to 3.35 t/ha. The species composition and number of weeds in the crop before the protective measure differed from year to year, but in all years of testing, the predominant annual weed species were Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, and Echinochloacrus galli. In 2018, the total number of annual dicotyledonous weeds reached 29 ind/m2, with the largest numbers of upturned acorn weed and white pigweed. Perennial dicotyledonous weeds were represented by thistle (Cirsium arvense) and thistle (Sonchus arvensis). Among the cereal species, common barnyard grass and gray bristle grass (Setaria glauca) were observed in the experiment. Before treatment with the herbicide, they were in the phase of 1–3 leaves, which made their species identification difficult, so their total number was taken into account. The total number of weeds before the experiment was 64 ind/m2. The year 2019 had the highest number of weeds, when the crop was sown with 496 specimens of unwanted plants with a predominance of upturned acorn and white goosefoot.
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