gestation (see Fig. l), the fetus and intrauterine contents appeared normal but the adnexal mass appeared to have increased slightly to 8 by 8 cm. The patient gave a history of diffuse right-sided tenderness for the preceding 7 days. Ab dominal examination revealed a soft, cystic mass on the right and cephalad to the uterus. The patient was subsequently scheduled for exploratory laparotomy. Cpon entering the abdomen, examination showed the ovaries, uterus, and tubes to be normal. Further palpation revealed a cystic retroperitoneal mass inferior to the right kidney. The retroperitoneal space was entered and the mass was determined to be contiguous to the right kidney. Aspiration of the cyst yielded approximately 150 ml of clear yellow fluid. The left kidney was palpated and appeared normal. The patient did well until the fifth postoperative day, at which time she complained of pressure and vaginal bleeding. Pelvic examination showed the cervix to be fully dilated with bulging membranes. She was delivered of a male infant weighing 500 gm with Apgar scores of 4 at 1 minute and 1 at 5 minutes. The infant subsequently died in the neonatal intensive care unit. Postdelivery intravenous pyelogram and renal ultrasound showed a left kidney of normal appearance. The right kidney appeared intrinsically normal except for caliceal distortion and a tortuous ureter. This was compatible with the diagnosis of a simple cyst of the right kidney. The most common cystic abnormality of the kidney is a simple retention cyst, which may be multiple, solitary, unilateral, or bilateral.’ It is noteworthy that the cysts usually do not become opaque on excretory urography, but may distort the pyelocaliceal system. The cysts usually are unilocular and do not communicate with the renal pelvis except in the event of rupture into the pelvis. The cysts present with variable and nonspecific symptoms and occasionally are detected as abdominal masses or on incidental urographic studies. The treatment of the pregnant patient with adnexal masses is often Estimation of lamellar body phospholipids in fetal sheep lung fluid after high-speed centrifugation or micropore filtration: A comparative study
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