The research study critically analyzed the impact of head teacher’s and deputy head teacher’s conflict development on team works in public primary school in Kenya. The study sought to establish the root causes of conflicts among the head teachers and deputy head teachers, perceptions of the stakeholders on the head teacher’s and deputy head teachers, impact of the conflict resolution measures between the head teacher’s and deputy head teachers on team work in public primary school in Kenya. Leadership challenges leading to chronic conflicts that has persisted in public primary schools and in high rise according to ministry of education report. Always conflicts occur whenever disagreement exists in a social setup between individuals or group and negotiations has become a song in the public schools in Kenya. The researchers sought to justify that in dead there exist a great disagreement between head teacher’s and deputy head teacher’s an issue that must be urgently addressed and if not taken serious might adversely effect on team work at work places. Also, the research sought to justify that conflicts leads to social desertification. Demoralization, stress, unhappiness, frustration and a sense of low self-esteem this is a thriving factor to disunity and weakens the bond of team work in an organization. The study defined the team head teacher, deputy head teacher’s highlighting their major roles in a learning institution and to the community and to all education stakeholders. The study was based on team work theory so called Bruce tuck man theory of 1965 enriched by START TEAM MODEL. This theory had four main stages titled forming, storming, norming and performing. The head teacher’s do not only recognize the fact that they formed a group with their deputies. The time they were put together so they must focus on their individual strengths since there was need to bring out goals of the school they lead in order to make a difference in academic arena. The head teacher’s and deputy head teacher’s required a strong bond between them and other staff and insubordinate staffs to facilitate happiness that was necessary for team work at work place. The researchers used content reviews and desk analysis function design. The design was preferred since it facilitated more critical analysis than the statistically qualitative methods used in the same qualitative studies. The study found major causes of conflict development between head teacher’s and deputy head teachers to be inadequate information, different personalities/ value and characters, experience/ qualifications s, access to superiors, limited resources, role conflicts, poor work conditions, administration styles used by leaders, favoritism, tribalism and nepotism practiced by leaders. Most deputies unlike head teachers had no operational space called offices and whenever the head teachers was absent, the offices remained locked and keyed. Findings also found that most head teacher never trusted their deputies with the resources, finances and personnel an issue that cannot facilitate team work in a working place. The findings of the study was that all stake holders perceptions in the persistence conflict development between the head teachers and deputy head teachers was that it diversely affect team work, academic performance, social relationship and reputation and ought to be done away with completely. The study recommended that the school heads and their deputy head teachers to be trained on conflict prevention measures, management strategies and resolution skills in order to prevent, manage and resolve them in amicable way to facilitate team work at work places. The researchers further recommended the introduction of teaching of controversial issues at teacher colleges and in universities for both undergraduates and postgraduates pursuing educational causes in order to bring up teachers who are well conversant on how to live with controversy. The researchers also recommended the establishment of resolution committee of qualified, experienced personals at school level; help improve the working relationship between head teachers and deputy head teachers to reduce the rising rate of conflict development in public primary schools in Kenya. Article visualizations: