In this paper, we propose a new method of constructing a two-parameter random field W x (s, t ), x ∈ M , with values in a compact Riemannian manifold M possessing the property that the random processes W x ( · ,t )a ndW x M (s, · ) are Brownian motions on the manifold M with parameters t and s , respectively, issuing from the point x .( By aBrownian motion on a manifold M with parameter t we mean the diffusion process generated by the operator −(t/2)∆M , where ∆M is the Laplace operator on the manifold M.) For the case in which the manifold is a compact Lie group, the two-parameter random field constructed in the paper coincides with the Brownian sheet defined by Malliavin (1) in 1991. (Malliavin called this random field a Brownian motion with values in C((0, 1) ,M ) , which is the set of continuous functions defined on the closed interval (0, 1) and taking values in M.) Nevertheless, for the case in which the manifold is a compact Lie group, the method proposed in the present paper essentially differs from that used in Malliavin's paper. 1. FIRST STEP IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RANDOM FIELD W x Suppose that M is a d-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold without boundary isomet- rically embedded in R m .B y aBrownian sheet with values in R m we mean the family of m independent standard Brownian sheets. Suppose that Wt,s is an n-dimensional Brownian sheet. Consider Wt,s as a process taking values in the space C((0, 1), R m ) . We denote this process by the symbol Wt . We introduce the following notation: if E is a locally convex space, then E t denotes C((0 ,t ) ,E ); if y ∈ C((0, 1), R m ) is a continuous function, then W y denotes the distribution of the process W y = y +Wt .I fψ ∈ C((0, 1), R m ) , then we define the process (W y )t = ψ(t )+ W y . Suppose that W y is the distribution of this process and E y,ψ is the expectation with respect to the measure W y . Further, Ue(M ) denotes the e -neighborhood of the manifold M. We consider W y for functions y and ψ satisfying the conditions: y(0) ∈ M , ψ(0) = 0 . The goal of this section is to prove the existence of a limit (given below) with respect to the family of bounded continu- ous cylindrical functions, where by a cylindrical function C((0, 1) × (0, 1), R m ) → R we mean a