In view of the present interest in pure foods, the following case may be interesting and instructive: Patient. —A man, American, aged 63, of medium height, weight 143 pounds. History. —The man was acting commissary for his wife, who keeps a large boarding-house. He related that he had been persuaded to purchase some of the numerous brands of spurious butter on the market. As the manufacturer and the seller are not allowed to color these products the retail merchant furnished him with a small capsule of a coloring material, about the size of a 2 grain capsule of quinin, with which he was supposed to tint the product as from the Meadow Brook Farm or the Heather Hills or Clover Vales. He hastily slipped this capsule into his trousers pocket and hurried toward home with his purchase. The capsule was not made to withstand autumn temperature and body humidity and