Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by quantum flavor dynamics (QFD), the gauged flavor SU(3)f symmetry with scale Λ. Anomaly freedom requires addition of three νR. The approximate QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Euclidean infrared fermion self-energies Σf(p2) has the spontaneous-chiral-symmetry-breaking solutions ideal for seesaw: (1) Σf(p2) = {M}_{fR}^2/p where three Majorana masses MfR of νfR are of order Λ. (2) Σf(p2) = {m}_f^2/p where three Dirac masses mf = m(0)1 + m(3)λ3 + m(8)λ8 of SM fermions are exponentially suppressed w.r.t. Λ, and degenerate for all SM fermions in f. (1) MfR break SU(3)f symmetry completely; m(3), m(8) superimpose the tiny breaking to U(1) × U(1). All flavor gluons thus acquire self-consistently the masses ∼ Λ. (2) All mf break the electroweak SU(2)L × U(1)Y to U(1)em. Symmetry partners of the composite Nambu-Goldstone bosons are the genuine Higgs particles: (1) three νR-composed Higgses χi with masses ∼ Λ. (2) Two new SM-fermion-composed Higgses h3, h8 with masses ∼ m(3), m(8), respectively. (3) The SM-like SM-fermion-composed Higgs h with mass ∼ m(0), the effective Fermi scale. Σf(p2)-dependent vertices in the electroweak Ward-Takahashi identities imply: the axial-vector ones give rise to the W and Z masses at Fermi scale. The polar-vector ones give rise to the fermion mass splitting in f. At the present exploratory stage the splitting comes out unrealistic.
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