A BRIGHT FIREBALL.—A splendid meteor was seen on May 9, 9h. 10m. G.M.T., from Bristol, Cardiff, London, Weston-super-Mare, and other places. Special interest attaches to the object, for it appears tohave descended to very near the earth's surface, if, indeed, it did not actually fall to the ground. The meteor traversed a path of about 60 miles in 55 seconds, and fell from a height of 54 to 12 miles. Combustion occurred over Radnor Forest, and the meteor apparently disappeared over a point 10 miles east ofBarmouth. If the object was enabled to travel in a compact form about 15 miles further, it must have alighted on the ground in the region some ten miles south of Bangor, Carnarvonshire, but no intimation hasyet been received that a meteorite has been found, or was seen to fall, there.