At the XXXII Congresso Brasileiro de Pneumologiae Tisiologia (XXXII Brazilian Congress on Pulmonologyand Phthisiology), held in the city of Salvador, theGeneral Assembly of the Sociedade Brasileira dePneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT, Brazilian Society ofPulmonology and Phthisiology) approved changes tothe statutes of the society. These changes have a directimpact on the workings of the Jornal Brasileiro dePneumologia (JBP, Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology).From now on, the responsibility of publishing thejournal will no longer lie with the CommunicationsDirector. Instead, the holder of newly-created positionof JBP Editor will now be charged with this duty. Inaddition, the journal will now be run in accordancewith the JBP regulations, which were created, afterarduous debate, by the current and formeradministrations of the SBPT. Although these changesmay seem merely bureaucratic in nature, they represent,in fact, an important step in modernizing andperfecting not only the journal but the SBPT itself.The SBPT directors, as well as those involved inthe production of the JBP, have, over the last fewyears, become increasingly convinced that, in orderto have a journal with scientific impact and rapidgrowth, it is necessary to establish a structure thatis more complex, more professional and less subjectto external factors generated in the daily routine ofSBPT members. The great enthusiast and defenderof this work ethic was my predecessor, Dr. GeraldoLorenzi-Filho, to whom the JBP owes a great debt.In keeping with this new dynamic, the JBP Editorwill, from now on, dedicate himself exclusively tothe journal, being assured a term in office of atleast four years. Although still answerable to theSBPT directorship, the JBP Editor is guaranteed theindependence required to defend the interests ofthe journal. In defining and developing his role, hewill be aided by the Associate Editors, who will soonbecome familiar with the workings of the entireprocess. The process of selecting a new JBP Editorwill follow the example of the major internationaljournals. After wide distribution of an announcement,a commission composed of the SBPT directors andformer editors of the journal will, after reviewingthe resumes and proposals of the applicants, choosethe new Editor from among the qualified candidates.The JBP, previously known simply as the Jornalde Pneumologia (Journal of Pulmonology), hasalways been an important link between the SBPTand its associates. Since 1975, together with theCongressos Brasileiros de Pneumologia e Tisiologia(Brazilian Congresses on Pulmonology andPhthisiology) the journal constitutes one of theprincipal means of communication between thesociety and its members. The journal, through itsreview articles, case reports, original articles,supplements and release of Consensus statements,provides a constant source of information forkeeping its readers current. Recognition of the levelof quality achieved by the journal led to its beingindexed in the Literatura Latinoamericana y delCaribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS, LatinAmerican and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature)database and in SciELO Brazil, where it is classifiedas Qualis A Nacional (National Quality A) by theinstitution Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento dePessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES, Coordination ofthe Advancement of Upper-Level Personnel).In recent years, the volume of Brazilianscientific production has increased considerably(1).From 1997 to 2000, Brazilian scientists published34,274 articles in Institute for Scientific Information(ISI)-indexed journals. The number of studentsreceiving their Masters or Doctorate in 1990 was5579 and 1410, respectively. By 2000, thesenumbers had risen to 18,374 and 5344(1).The growing Brazilian scientific productioncreates the need for adequate vehicles throughwhich to publish. Within this context, the JBP takeson added importance. From this perspective, theJBP can therefore be seen as an asset, belongingnot only to the members of the SBPT but also toall Brazilian researchers working in the field ofrespiratory medicine.The intense competition of these modern timesdemands that professionals and institutions remainin a state of constant evolution. In order to carry outits mission, the JBP will soon be forced to undergo