Motorized vehicle can’t be apart from our daily activity, because it’s very significantly save our time and energy. According to Erwin (in Sasongko, 2014: 1) mentioned air pollution that comes out from motorized vehicle is very high, so it can pollute the environment and harm human health. Besides, the fossil fuel is an unrenewable which is running low and will cause an energy crisis. So we need alternative energy that is more eco friendly, common, and easy to obtain. Therefore, electric vehicle are one solution to this problem. Electric vehicle is a fuelless vehicle that ran by electric motor with battery for the energy supplier. In accordance with the Kepmen ESDM No. 13 Tahun 2020 about “that to increase the energy efficiency, energy resilience, and energy conservation in transportation sector, it needs to accelerate the battery-based electric motor vehicle program” so that it is necessary to develop innovations to support electric vehicle infrastructure in Indonesia. BLDC Motor is one of the motor type that used in electric vehicle. BLDC Motor used by one of the electric vehicle brands in Indonesia named GESITS, experienced an overheat on the BLDC motor after travelling 30 kilometers around Bekasi (GESITS, 2016). Finally to add cooling to the BLDC Motor, an external fan is installed. This experience shows the importance of cooling to maintain BLDC Motor durability. In addition to cooling the electric motor, it is necessary to pay attention to the efficiency produced by the electric motor. So that it can make consideration of battery consumption on the motorcycle design. Based on the problems above, this research will analyze the efficiency and thermal of a 3000 Watt BLDC Motor in the design of an electric motorcycle. The data collection will be carried out by using the Dynotest tool or Chassis Dynamometer to obtain amount of power, torque, electric current and thermal on the electric motor being tested. From these data calculations will be carried out for the efficiency of a 3000 Watt BLDC Motor. So that this research can be used as a reference for the further development of electric vehicles.