F-fluorodeox-yglucose (FDG), it was possible to see and study the livingbrain in humans! Pioneers were top experts who provideddifferent specialized expertise, but strictly cooperatingbetween themselves [1]. Physicists, engineers and mathe-maticians were actively involved in producing the besthardware and software. The research on crystals, inidentifying the most effective electronics, in definingaccurate methods for attenuation and scatter correctionand so on, was nevertheless limited by the relatively poortechnology, with the main consideration being limitedcomputer power. These developments stimulated a majorinterest in the brain. Satisfactory sensitivity and resolution,together with reliable solutions to the technical problems,were only achieved with dedicated cerebral PET scannerswhich had a field of view that permitted exclusive analysisof the brain.Basic scientists had the possibility of realizing ascientific dream: the transfer of data on cerebral glucosemetabolism acquired in animals by quantitative autoradi-ography to humans. Another issue in the original FDG PETresearch was to consider mandatory absolute quantification.Thus arterial (or arterialized) sampling, to obtain data to beincluded in mathematical models, was routinely performed.However, because the equations included nonmeasurableparameters, the presence of a lumped constant affectedabsolute measurement in an individual [2–4]. PET teamsincluded (and were directed by) clinical experts includingnot only nuclear physicians, but also other professionalssuch as neuroradiologists, neurologists and psychiatrists,who frequently cooperated with psychologists, anatomistsand physiologists.Because of the unsatisfactory spatial resolution and thenegative influence of the partial volume effect, inpresence of glucose uptake in the normal brain, only alow lesion/background ratio was achievable, except forhot spots, i.e. the presence of focal areas of increaseduptake determined by physiological and/or pathologicalcauses. Therefore, the use of FDG as a positive indicatorwasrestrictedinthefirststudiesandinthesearchforhotspots, many studies involved physiological stimulationtests (closed/open eyes, auditory system, etc.) in normalsubjects [5, 6]. Similarly, major interest in pathologicalanalysis was directed to the evaluation of brain tumours,starting from Warburg’s hypothesis of higher FDG uptakein malignant lesions with respect to benign ones [7]. Withfurther clinical experience, in the analysis of patients withepilepsy, a higher sensitivity was clearly demonstratedduring the ictal phase, the focus being seen as a hot spot,with respect to the interictal period when the lesion wasnot easily detectable, being an area with a slightly reducedoverall FDG uptake [8, 9]. Discrepant results in epilepsyclearly demonstrate how, in the absence of a structurallesion evident on CT, it is more difficult to search for afunctional alteration when it corresponds to an area ofdecreased uptake (cold spot).