The functional properties of the human brain arise, in part, from the vast assortment of cell types that pattern the cerebral cortex. The cortical sheet can be broadly divided into distinct networks, which are embedded into processing streams, or gradients, that extend from unimodal systems through higher-order association territories. Here using microarray data from the Allen Human Brain Atlas and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data from multiple cortical territories, we demonstrate that cell-type distributions are spatially coupled to the functional organization of cortex, as estimated through functional magnetic resonance imaging. Differentially enriched cells follow the spatial topography of both functional gradients and associated large-scale networks. Distinct cellular fingerprints were evident across networks, and a classifier trained on postmortem cell-type distributions was able to predict the functional network allegiance of cortical tissue samples. These data indicate that the in vivo organization of the cortical sheet is reflected in the spatial variability of its cellular composition.
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