We compute quantum character varieties of arbitrary closed surfaces with boundaries and marked points. These are categorical invariants int _S{mathcal {A}} of a surface S, determined by the choice of a braided tensor category {mathcal {A}}, and computed via factorization homology. We identify the algebraic data governing marked points and boundary components with the notion of a braided module category for {mathcal {A}}, and we describe braided module categories with a generator in terms of certain explicit algebra homomorphisms called quantum moment maps. We then show that the quantum character variety of a decorated surface is obtained from that of the corresponding punctured surface as a quantum Hamiltonian reduction. Characters of braided {mathcal {A}}-modules are objects of the torus category int _{T^2}{mathcal {A}}. We initiate a theory of character sheaves for quantum groups by identifying the torus integral of {mathcal {A}}={text {Rep}}_{q}G with the category {mathcal {D}}_q(G/G)-mod of equivariant quantum {mathcal {D}}-modules. When G=GL_n, we relate the mirabolic version of this category to the representations of the spherical double affine Hecke algebra {mathbb {SH}}_{q,t}.