Let R : V 2 → V 2 be a Hecke type solution of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation (a Hecke symmetry). Then, the Hilbert-Poincre series of the associated R-exterior algebra of the space V is a ratio of two polynomials of degree m (numerator) and n (denominator). Assuming R to be skew-invertible, we define a rigid quasitensor category SW(V(m|n)) of vector spaces, generated by the space V and its dual V � , and compute certain numerical char- acteristics of its objects. Besides, we introduce a braided bialgebra structure in the modified Reflection Equation Algebra, associated with R, and equip objects of the category SW(V(m|n)) with an action of this algebra. In the case related to the quantum group Uq(sl(m)), we con- sider the Poisson counterpart of the modified Reflection Equation Algebra and compute the semiclassical term of the pairing, defined via the categorical (or quantum) trace.
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