To generate resonance in the ultraviolet (UV) wavelength region, we have developed a Bragg mirror structure with a SiO2 top layer. This paper shows the wavelength at which sensitivity occurs by modifying the architecture of the one-dimensional photonic crystal (1D-PhC) structure appropriately. The structural parameters are adjusted to excite a Bloch surface wave with a wavelength of 256 and 281 nm at the top interface, which are the operational wavelengths. The spectrum’s distribution of electric fields and mode confinement confirmed the suggested structure with an 8-nm thick defect layer. The proposed design is empathetic at UV wavelength with varying analyte’s refractive index value. The investigation shows that the sensitivity is about 107.42 and 101.85 deg/RIU, and the quality factor is 1426.17 and 1708.14 nm at UV wavelengths of 281 and 256 nm, respectively.