: More and more Indians are falling prey to coronary artery (CAD) which is one of the genetic diseases attributed to numerous gene-environment interactions. There are various reasons for this including a sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition, pollution, smoking, drinking, a fatty diet and a general ignorance about what causes heart ailments. In India, 10% of the present infant mortality may be accounted for by CAD. This study was conducted to take appropriate measurements in the children of parents with diagnosed of CAD who are at high risk in relationship to serum Lp (a) and total cholesterol. Two groups 50 each of both sexes between 5-18 years children were compared for the risk factors of CAD and data was analysed statistically by using student’s t test and Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. : It shows that Group A had increased values of serum Lp (a) and total cholesterol (p<0.001) than Group B. Diastolic BP values were also significantly higher in Group A children. In addition, Lp (a) level was directly corelated with total cholesterol levels (r=0.734; p<0.001). : The familial environment pay a very important role for the severity of CAD in childhood and children of CAD parents should be screened regularly. It also serves as an important diagnostic marker of CAD in youth at early stage.
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