Introduction. This paper addresses a unified spatially inhomogeneous, non-stationary model of interaction between genetically modified crop resources (corn) and the corn borer pest, which is also present on a relatively small section of non-modified corn. The model assumes that insect pests influence both types of crops and are capable of independent movement (taxis) towards the gradient of plant resources. It also considers diffusion processes in the dynamics of all components of the unified model, biomass growth, genetic characteristics of both types of plant resources, processes of crop consumption, phenomena of growth and degradation, diffusion, and mutation of pests. The model allows for predictive calculations aimed at reducing crop losses and increasing the resistance of transgenic crops to pests by slowing down the natural mutation rate of the pest. Materials and Methods. The mathematical model is an extension of Kostitsin’s model and is formulated as an initial-boundary value problem for a nonlinear system of convection-diffusion equations. These equations describe the spatiotemporal dynamics of biomass density changes in two types of crops — transgenic and non-modified — as well as the specific populations (densities) of three genotypes of pests (the corn borer) resulting from mutations. The authors linearized the convection-diffusion equations by applying a time-lag method on the time grid, with nonlinear terms from eachequation taken from the previous time layer. The terms describing taxis are presented in a symmetric form, ensuring the skew-symmetry of the corresponding continuous operator and, in the case of spatial grid approximation, the finite-difference operator. Results. A stable monotonic finite-difference scheme is developed, approximating the original problem with second-order accuracy on a uniform 2D spatial grid. Numerical solutions of model problems are provided, qualitatively corresponding to observed processes. Solutions are obtained for various ratios of modified and non-modified sections of the field. Discussion and Conclusion. The obtained results regarding pest behavior, depending on the type of taxis, could significantly extend the time for pests to acquire Bt resistance. The concentration dynamics of pests moving in the direction of the food gradient differs markedly from the concentration of pests moving towards a mate for reproduction.
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