We describe a nonuniform deterministic simulation of PRAMs on module parallel computers (MPCs) and on processor networks of bounded degree. The simulating machines have the same number n of processors as the simulated PRAM, and if the size of the PRAM’s shared memory is polynomial in n, each PRAM step is simulated by $O(\log n)$ MPC steps or by $O((\log n)^2 )$ steps of the bounded-degree network.This improves upon a previous result by Upfal and Wigderson. We also prove an $\Omega ({{(\log n)^2 } / {\log \log n}})$ lower bound on the number of steps needed to simulate one PRAM step on a bounded-degree network under the assumption that the communication in the network is point to point. As an important part of the simulation of PRAMs on MPCs, we use a new technique for dynamically averaging out a given work load among a set of processors operating in parallel.
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