ABSTRACT The performance, reliability, and safety of 400 kV bus post insulators remain dependent on the design of high-potential electrodes, such as bus conductors, grading rings, and corona rings. Reduced localised stress and insulation failure are two benefits of proper dimensioning, which also helps regulate electric field stress along the insulator string. To mitigate these effects, corona ring dimensions must be assessed, but practical testing is expensive and challenging. Comprehensive knowledge of dielectric field stress analysis for these insulators is complex and costly to obtain. As a result, design engineers often rely on computer models that have been validated through experimental testing. While they are used to study field stress, traditional 2D approaches such as the Finite Element aprroache (FEM) and Boundary Element approach (BEM) have accuracy limits. In this study, a 400 kV porcelain bus post insulator was constructed using 3D simulation software using industry-standard design dimensions. The standard dimension configuration was compared with a various dimension configurations. The electrical simulations were carriedout using the COULOMB 3D tool, which employs BEM for accuracy and efficiency. Various case study dimensions are carried out and presented for deep field stress analysis of proposed insulator performance, which is major lacuna in experimental testing facility.
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