An unsteady state experimental technique has been employed to study interfacial mass transfer boundary conditions in quiescent liquid/liquid systems. This method is superior than steady state methods for identifying the specific nature of the interfacial step. Moreover, the technique lends mechanistic insight into those systems in which transient effects may dictate steady state behavior. Experimental data are compared to theoretical results derived by assuming specific boundary conditions at the interface. A constant concentration boundary condition correctly describes the intertransport of partially immiscible phases (benzaldehyde into water), and a constant flux boundary condition correctly describes the dissociation of solute dimer from one immiscible phase into another (benzoic acid from benzene to water). The method was extended to identify the underlying mechanism of the micellar solubilization of oleic acid by sodium taurodeoxycholate at 37°C, a model fatty acid digestion system. The phenomenon appears to be surfactant diffusion controlled. The effects of pH, added NaCl and surfactant concentration are also discussed.
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