Wave propagation in horizontally layered media is a classical problem in seismic-wave theory. In semi-infinite space, a nondispersive Rayleigh wave mode exists, and the eigendisplacement decays exponentially with depth. In a layered model with increasing layer velocity, the phase velocity of the Rayleigh wave varies between the S-wave velocity of the bottom half-space and that of the classical Rayleigh wave propagated in a supposed half-space formed by the parameters of the top layer. If the phase velocity is the same as the P- or S-wave velocity of the layer, which is called the critical mode or critical phase velocity of surface waves, the general solution of the wave equation is not a homogeneous (expressed by trigonometric functions) or inhomogeneous (expressed by exponential functions) plane wave, but one whose amplitude changes linearly with depth (expressed by a linear function). Theories based on a general solution containing only trigonometric or exponential functions do not apply to the critical mode, owing to the singularity at the critical phase velocity. In this study, based on the classical framework of generalized reflection and transmission coefficients, the propagation of surface waves in horizontally layered media was studied by introducing a solution for the linear function at the critical phase velocity. Therefore, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the critical mode can be calculated by solving a singular problem. The eigendisplacement characteristics associated with the critical phase velocity were investigated for different layered models. In contrast to the normal mode, the eigendisplacement associated with the critical phase velocity exhibits different characteristics. If the phase velocity is equal to the S-wave velocity in the bottom half-space, the eigendisplacement remains constant with increasing depth.
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