Considering supergravity theory is a natural step in the development of gravity models. This paper follows the “algebraic“ path and constructs possible extensions of the Poincaré and Anti-de-Sitter algebras, which inherit their basic commutation structure. Previously achieved results of this type are fragmentary and show only a limited fraction of possible algebraic realizations. Our paper presents the newly obtained symmetry algebras, evaluated within an efficient pattern-based computational method of generating the so-called ‘resonating’ algebraic structures. These supersymmetric extensions of algebras, going beyond the Poincaré and Anti-de Sitter ones, contain additional bosonic generators Z_{ab} (Lorentz-like), and U_a (translational-like) added to the standard Lorentz generator J_{ab} and translation generator P_{a}. Our analysis includes all cases up to two fermionic supercharges, Q_{alpha } and Y_{alpha }. The delivered plethora of superalgebras includes few past results and offers a vastness of new examples. The list of the cases is complete and contains all superalgebras up to two of Lorentz-like, translation-like, and supercharge-like generators (JP+Q)+(ZU+Y)=JPZU+QY. In the latter class, among 667 founded superalgebras, the 264 are suitable for direct supergravity construction. For each of them, one can construct a unique supergravity model defined by the Lagrangian. As an example, we consider one of the algebra configurations and provide its Lagrangian realization.
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