DERSONAL interviews with several guidance counselors brought out the need for (a) locally oriented information about careers in the field of health, and (b) a sourcebook containing all the specific information, both scholastic and financial, useful to a high school student in deciding on a career consistent with the criteria of choice and ability. Guidance counselors are busy people,. It is impossible for them to check through their considerable library of source materials to find, for each student being counseled, detailed information on job descriptions, course requirements, institutions offering training in the career in question, academic costs, scholarship and other financial aid available, and all the other facts a young person needs to help him plan a career. Early in 1958 the Glens Fa,lls District Office of the New York State Department of undertook to provide these facts about careers in health in the form of a health careers manual. This decision was made because of the realization that, if the counselors were to be more effective in recruitment for health, they must have a better tool than any at that time available to them. It is true that they had the excellent Health Careers Guidebook, published by the National Council, and the other equally good recruitment materials published by the council and other agencie;s. However, the Guidebook was published in 1955 and certain parts of it, such as salaries and training costs, were already somewhat out of date; it also, lacked specific informa,tion on financial aid and local sources of additional information, all important facts, to a young person considering a health career. Obviously, local orientation is impossible in a sourcebook designed for national distrifbution. Guidance counselors are an important group in any program of career recruitment because they exert a significant influence on high school students' decisions. Like eveiryone else, they must perform their services within the limitations olf the resources available to them. It is only natural that they will be more successful and will put a little more emphasis in those areas in which they have eiffective tools. Therefore, it was decided to design a manual that would encourage the counselors to emphasize health careers. It was also decided to borrow material freely and to devise a book that would be easy to handle and simple to revise annually.
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