Abstract Plots were 50 feet long and 16 rows wide (40-inch spacing) and consisted of a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Transgenic cotton seed (NuCOTN 33 and NuCOTN 35) containing a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki that codes for a delta endotoxin (BOLLGARD) toxic to certain lepidopteran larvae and seed of standard commercial varieties from Delta and Pine Land Seed Company (DPL 5415, DPL 20, DPL 5690 were planted 16May, on a Commerce silt loam soil which was sidedress fertilized with 90 lb N/acre. A John Deere model 7100 series planter equipped with 10 inch seed cones mountedto replace the seed hoppers was used for planting. The seed rate was 4 seeds/row ft. All plots received 0.5 lbs Al/acre Temik 15G and 1.2 lbs Al/acre Terraclor Super X at planting. Control measures for the heliothine complex were applied to the appropriate treatment on an “as needed” basis. Plant terminals and squares were examined for bollworm and tobacco budworm (BW/TBW) eggs, larvae, and damage and boll weevil damage on 3, 12, 17, 20, 24, 26 July, 1, 4, 7, 14, 21 Aug. Based on those observations, the plots designated as requiring treatments for the heliothine complex received the following control measures: Karate IE, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Larvin 3.2F, 0.25 lb Al/acre (18 Jul); Karate IE, 0.028 lb Al/acre + Larvin 3.2F, 0.25 lb Al/acre (2 Aug); Karate IE, 0.033 lb Al/acre + Lannate LV 2.4, 0.24 lb Al/acre (8 Aug); Baythroid 2E, 0.04 lb Al/acre + Curacron 8E, 1.0 lb Al/acre + Larvin 3.2F, 0.4 lb AI/ acre (17 Aug); Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Orthene 90S, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Confirm 2F, 0.125 lb Al/acre (25 Aug); and Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Evasion 1.5E, 0.25 lb Al/acre + Curacron 8E, 1.0 lb Al/acre (30 Aug). Control measures for nonheliothine pests applied as oversprays to all plots and/or the border rows on an “as needed” basis, consisted of the following treatments: Provado 1.6, 0.05 lb Al/acre (23 Jun); Bidrin 4E, 0.4 lb Al/acre + Evasion 1.5E, 0.2 lb Al/acre (29 Jun); Guthion 2L, 0.25 lb Al/acre (13 Jul); Baythroid 2E, 0.033 lb Al/acr + Larvin 3.2F, 0.25 lb Al/acre (18 Jul, applied to border rows only); Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Larvin 3.2F, 0.25 lb Al/acre (28 Jul); Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Larvin 3.2F, 0.25 lb Al/acre (2 Aug); Karate IE, 0.03 lb Al/acre + Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Lannate LV 2.4, 0.24 lb Al/acre (10 Aug); and Methyl parathion 4E, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Orthene 90S, 0.33 lb Al/acre + Confirm 2F, 0.125 lb Al/acre (25 Aug). Percent defoliation from insect feeding and number of damaged bolls per 3 meters was determined on 30 Aug. The center four rows of the plots were harvested on 12 Oct. Plots were harvested using a John Deere spindle type picker. Yields were converted to lbs. seedcotton/acre.
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