The Self-Rating Body Image (SRBI) test was used to determine whether the patients with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia showed their body image disturbance or not. The SRBI was completed by 120 subjects who consisted of 30 low weight (LW) controls, 30 normal weight (NW) controls, 30 high weight (HW) controls, 18 anorexic patients (AN) and 12 bulimic patients (BN). The AN group had a significantly greater dissatisfaction with the scales of the body shape, visceral organ and face image of the SRBI than the weight-matched LW group. The BN group had a significantly greater dissatisfaction with the visceral organ image shape than the weight-matched NW group. However, no significant difference in the body shape and face images between the BN and NW groups was found. Our results suggest that the anorexic patients may disturb more parts of the body image than the bulimic patients though both the anorexic and bulimic patients showed the disturbance of body image.
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