The effect of rough surface on turbulent flows is usually investigated using direct numerical simulation (DNS) with either body-fitted grids or immersed boundary method. Both methods, however, require a significant number of grids to resolve all rough scales, resulting in intolerable computational cost. In this paper, a new volume forcing approach is developed to simulate wall-bounded turbulent flows with surface roughness at the same computational cost as that with smooth walls. Specifically, two extra forcing terms are introduced in the Navier–Stokes equations to mimic roughness effects. One is the feedback force operating within the roughness cell and ensuring zero velocity at the grid points located therein. The other represents the vortex force around the roughness surface. A direct comparison with the model proposed in literature shows a significant improvement in the prediction of mean flow and Reynolds stresses. To further validate the new forcing model, simulation of channel flow with cubical roughnesses is implemented, which shows a good agreement with fully resolved DNS.
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