Abstract. MOSFET is a field effect transistor that can be used in a wide range of analog and digital circuits. It has the advantages of low power consumption, high speed and high integration. Its abbreviation is MOS. During the operation of MOS tubes, there are some secondary effects that cannot be ignored in circuit analysis and there is a research gap in analyzing and evaluating these effects. Therefore, in this paper, we will analyze and evaluate the body effect, channel length modulation effect, subthreshold conductivity effect, and short channel effect among the secondary effects by reviewing the related literature and give some methods to minimize the impact of secondary effects on circuits. In this study, the secondary effects of MOS tubes are discussed in depth. In the combing of previous related studies, the above several common secondary effects of MOS tubes are summarized and inductively analyzed, and the effects of reduced body effect and channel length modulation effect on circuits are summarized and evaluated. These results provide important theoretical support and practical guidance for MOSFET research.
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