Let $$({{\mathcal {X}}},d,\mu )$$ be an RD-space, $$H^1_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ , and $${\mathrm {BMO}}_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ be, respectively, the local Hardy space and the local BMO space associated with an admissible function $$\rho $$ . Under an additional assumption that there exists a specific generalized approximation of the identity, the authors prove that the product $$f\times g$$ of $$f\in H^1_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ and $$g\in {\mathrm {BMO}}_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ , viewed as a distribution, can be written into a sum of two bounded bilinear operators, respectively, from $$H^1_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}})\times {\mathrm {BMO}}_{\rho } ({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ into $$L^1({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ and from $$H^1_{\rho }({{\mathcal {X}}}) \times {\mathrm {BMO}}_{\rho } ({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ into $$H^{\log }({{\mathcal {X}}})$$ , which is of wide generality. The authors also give out four applications of this result to Schrodinger operators, respectively, over different underlying spaces, where three of these applications are new.