Let C be the field of complex numbers and V a subvariety of (C{O})n. To study the exponential behavior of Vat infinity, we define V(a) as the set of limitpoints on the unit sphere Sn-1 of the set of real n-tuples (u, log I i u.,u log IXn ), where x e V and u, = (1 + (log lx,l)2) -2. More algebraically, in the case of arbitrary base-field k we can look places at infinity on V and use the values of the associated valuations on X1, Xn to construct an analogous set V(b). Thirdly, simply by studying the terms occurring in elements of the ideal I defining V, we define another closely related set, V',). These concepts are introduced to prove a conjecture of A. E. Zalessky on the action of GL(n, Z) on k[X1 1, . . ., Xn 1], then studied further. It is shown among other things that V(b) = V(c) (when defined) V(a. If a certain natural conjecture is true, then equality holds where we wrote - and the common set V. Sn1 is a finite union of convex spherical polytopes. 1. A conjecture of Zalessky. Let k be a field, and k[X ]=k[X11,..., Xn l] the ring obtained by adjoining n commuting indeterminates and their inverses to k. This is the group algebra on the free abelian group of rank n, Zn, so GL(n, Z) has a natural action on it. Call a subgroup of Zn nontrivial if it is of infinite order and infinite index in Zn; and call an ideal I( k[X'] nontrivial if it is of infinite dimension (i.e., nonzero) and infinite codimension in k[X+] as k-vector spaces. A. E. Zalessky conjectures in [1, Problem V.9], and we shall here prove: THEOREM 1. Let I be a nontrivial ideal in k[X ], and Hc GL(n, Z) the stabilizer subgroup of I. Then H has a subgroup Ho offinite index, which stabilizes a nontrivial subgroup of Zn (equivalently, which can be put into block-triangular form
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