Subject simulation of blast furnace stove is still relevant today, research in this area were carried out by many scientists. An analysis of well-known publications is described at the beginning of the article, conclusions are drawn about the developed models, the accepted assumptions and their consequences are considered.The complexity of modeling an object makes it necessary to divide it into its component parts; therefore, this article considers only the checkerwork of an hot blast stove, fuel combustionand heat transfer in the combustion chamber and dome are not considered. Provides the purpose of the work and the tasks arising from it. A scheme for splitting the checkerwork into a smaller region suitable for economic calculation is presented, but one that does not distort the physical meaning. Thermophysical parameters of the heat carrier and checkerwork material are determined. Further, the mathematical description in the differential equations of the physical processes occurring in the hot blast stove checkerwork in on-gas and on-blast periods. A block diagram of the software for the system of information support and control of a group of hot blast stoves was developed, including temperature control, calculation of combustion, calculation of checkerwork, calculation of parameters of blast. The scheme is focused on the operation of the heater in three periods, namely, on-gas, on-blast and on-separation. The described methods of interaction of individual software components of the system, the structure of the group management program with a detailed description of the individual components of this program. The block diagram of the program for simulating the operation of the hot blast stove group of a blast furnace is given, the subroutines included in it, their input data, basic ideas of functioning under various operating modes of an hot blast stove are described. At the end of the article, the main conclusions are presented.
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