Examination of a further forty isolates of Phytophthora palmivora , from fourteen countries outside West Africa, has shown that isolates of the ‘cacao’ strain in West Africa are similar to those found elsewhere in development and appearance of lesions in cacao pods, sporangial dimensions, and oospore production with sexually complementary strains. West African isolates of the ‘rubber’ group were unlike isolates from cacao from any other country except in that they formed oospores with ‘cacao’ group isolates. Most isolates of the cacao black pod pathogen were of the ‘cacao’ group, although ‘rubber’ group isolates did occur, and isolates of the ‘cacao’ group were remarkably uniform, with few exceptions. A survey of 239 isolates of the pathogen from cacao has shown the need for a new method of subdividing the species, and of a fresh complete survey of the fungus.