The primal-dual hybrid gradient (PDHG) algorithm is popular in solving min-max problems which are being widely used in a variety of areas. To improve the applicability and efficiency of PDHG for different application scenarios, we focus on the preconditioned PDHG (PrePDHG) algorithm, which is a framework covering PDHG, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), and other methods. We give the optimal convergence condition of PrePDHG in the sense that the key parameters in the condition can not be further improved, which fills the theoretical gap in the-state-of-art convergence results of PrePDHG, and obtain the ergodic and non-ergodic sublinear convergence rates of PrePDHG. The theoretical analysis is achieved by establishing the equivalence between PrePDHG and indefinite proximal ADMM. Besides, we discuss various choices of the proximal matrices in PrePDHG and derive some interesting results. For example, the convergence condition of diagonal PrePDHG is improved to be tight, the dual stepsize of the balanced augmented Lagrangian method can be enlarged to 4/3 from 1, and a balanced augmented Lagrangian method with symmetric Gauss-Seidel iterations is also explored. Numerical results on the matrix game, projection onto the Birkhoff polytope, earth mover’s distance, and CT reconstruction verify the effectiveness and superiority of PrePDHG.
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