A set $$S\subseteq V$$ is independent in a graph $$G=\left( V,E\right) $$ if no two vertices from S are adjacent. The independence number $$\alpha (G)$$ is the cardinality of a maximum independent set, while $$\mu (G)$$ is the size of a maximum matching in G. If $$\alpha (G)+\mu (G)$$ equals the order of G, then G is called a König–Egerváry graph (Deming in Discrete Math 27:23–33, 1979; Sterboul in J Combin Theory Ser B 27:228–229, 1979). The number $$d\left( G\right) =\max \{\left| A\right| -\left| N\left( A\right) \right| :A\subseteq V\}$$ is called the critical difference of G (Zhang in SIAM J Discrete Math 3:431–438, 1990) (where $$N\left( A\right) =\left\{ v:v\in V,N\left( v\right) \cap A\ne \emptyset \right\} $$ ). It is known that $$\alpha (G)-\mu (G)\le d\left( G\right) $$ holds for every graph (Levit and Mandrescu in SIAM J Discrete Math 26:399–403, 2012; Lorentzen in Notes on covering of arcs by nodes in an undirected graph, Technical report ORC 66-16. University of California, Berkeley, CA, Operations Research Center, 1966; Schrijver in Combinatorial optimization. Springer, Berlin, 2003). In Levit and Mandrescu (Graphs Combin 28:243–250, 2012), it was shown that $$d(G)=\alpha (G)-\mu (G)$$ is true for every König–Egerváry graph. A graph G is (i) unicyclic if it has a unique cycle and (ii) almost bipartite if it has only one odd cycle. It was conjectured in Levit and Mandrescu (in: Abstracts of the SIAM conference on discrete mathematics, Halifax, Canada, p 40, abstract MS21, 2012, 3rd international conference on discrete mathematics, June 10–14, Karnatak University. Dharwad, India, 2013) and validated in Bhattacharya et al. (Discrete Math 341:1561–1572, 2018) that $$d(G)=\alpha (G)-\mu (G)$$ holds for every unicyclic non-König–Egerváry graph G. In this paper, we prove that if G is an almost bipartite graph of order $$n\left( G\right) $$ , then $$\alpha (G)+\mu (G)\in \left\{ n\left( G\right) -1,n\left( G\right) \right\} $$ . Moreover, for each of these two values, we characterize the corresponding graphs. Further, using these findings, we show that the critical difference of an almost bipartite graph G satisfies $$\begin{aligned} d(G)=\alpha (G)-\mu (G)=\left| \mathrm {core}(G)\right| -\left| N(\mathrm {core}(G))\right| , \end{aligned}$$ where by core $$\left( G\right) $$ we mean the intersection of all maximum independent sets.
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