The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the palaeontological methodology of searching and lateral tracing of stratigraphic breaks as potential hydrocarbon traps in the Carboniferous deposits of the Don-Dnipro Trough. Five palaeontologica criteria for the search for stratigraphic breaks are identified and described, namely: ichnological, taphonomic, palaeoecological, palaeopedological, and biostratigraphic. The biostratigraphic criteria have an advantage over the other criteria listed above, as they allow not only to record the presence of a stratigraphic break, but also to estimate its extent (=duration). However, the other criteria listed above allow detecting very short-term breaks (diastems), for which the capabilities of the biostratigraphic method is not sufficient. Palaeontological research aimed at finding stratigraphic breaks in the Carboniferous sequence of the Don-Dnipro Trough should be comprehensive and consist of taphonomic observations of fossils and their assemblages (preservation, lateral and stratigraphic distribution, etc.), palaeoecological observations of the remains of individuals and assemblages of organisms with special attention to organogenic buildups, ichnofacies analysis, study of palaeosoils as products of interaction between the biosphere and other geospheres of the Earth, biostratigraphic studies of macro- and microbiota assemblages with a priority role for microfaunistic groups and palynoflora as they are widespread in these rocks
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