Replacement of dentin with a material popularly marketed as Biodentine (Septodont, Saint Maur des Fausses, France), a new tricalcium silicate-based cement, has recently been commercialized and advertised as a bioactive material. Its clinical application and physical properties have been widely described. Biodentine, a new biologically active cement which has dentin-like mechanical properties and can be used as a dentin replacement in the tooth crown and root region. The cement consists mainly of a tri- and dicalcium silicate powder, which is mixed with an aqueous calcium chloride solution. As regards biocompatibility, long- term impermeability, antibacterial properties, induction of hard tissue regeneration, stability, low solubility, non-absorbability and ease of handling, Biodentine fulfils the requirements found in the literature for a material suitable for these purposes. On the basis of the good material properties of Biodentine, this cement is an interesting alternative to the conventional materials which were hitherto recommended. Biodentine can therefore confer advantages in day-to-day practice and with correct diagnosis contribute to the long-term maintenance of the vitality of the dental pulp and to the retention of teeth. However, little scientific data is available at present.
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