Thependulum bobappears tomake rotatory excursions, previously described asellipses. Trincker (1953a) has shownthat thepathisnotreally anellipse butisflattened ontheside facing theobserver, and, moreimportant still, that theprincipal axis ofthis figure issoinclined astoputoneendnearer totheunobstructed eye.Hecalled this theasymmetry phenomenon. Thestereo-effect wasexplained byPulfrich (1922) interms ofthedifference inthelatent periods ofthedimmedandunobstructed eyesrespectively. Inits original form, theexplanation will account neither forthefact that the effect ishardly observable whenthependulum bobisfixated norforthe asymmetry phenomenon. Recent binocular measurements (Arden and Weale, 1954) haveshownthattheintensity variation ofthevisual latent period issmall inthefovea butlarge outside it, andthatthis isconsistent withthevirtual disappearance oftheeffect whenthebobisfixated. The asymmetry phenomenon, however, isobserved also withstationary targets, suchasvertical rods.Whenthree rods areviewed binocularly (one eyebeing again obstructed withaneutral density filter) andanobserver isasked to arrange theminafronto-parallel plane, thesubjective will differ fromthe objective plane. Trincker (1953b) concludes fromthis that theasymmetry phenomenon found inconjunction withthePulfrich effect cannot haveanything todowiththelatent period ofvision. Inanattempt toexplain this effect, itshould beemphasized that theperceptual size ofaretinal image depends notonly ontheobject size, diffraction, andaberration effects, butalso onits luminance. Oftwoequally large objects, thebrighter will appear tobethelarger. Using aspectrometric slit ofwidth 2mm.,itisfound ataluminance level of800e.f.c. that theleast contrast producing this illusion is0-16logunit andthat theextent oftheangular increase isabout1'ofarc, i.e. iscomparable withtheaccepted value for visual acuity. A suitable arrangement makesitpossible todetect retinal irradiation also binocularly. Thusiftwoequal slits areequally illuminated
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