The three postulates of the posited dynamic and reversible theory of everything are: 1) the oscil-lating M-theory postulate for the oscillating matter structure, 2) the digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields postulate for the digital space structure, and 3) the reversible multiverse post-ulate for all physical laws and phenomena. The posited theory of everything based on the three postulates explains cosmology, the composition (baryonic matter, dark matter, and dark energy) in the universe, the periodic table of elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and bosons), the galaxy evolution, superconductivity, black hole, thermodynamic, and quantum mechanics. Oscillating M-theory is derived from oscillating membrane-string-particle whose space-time dimension number oscillates between 11D and 10D and between 10D and 4D. Space-time dimension number between 10 and 4 decreases with decreasing speed of light, decreasing vacuum energy, and in-creasing rest mass. The digital transitional Higgs-reversed Higgs fields are derived from digital attachment-detachment spaces which couple to particles. Under spontaneous symmetry breaking, the coupling of massless particle to zero-energy attachment space (the space for mass) produces the transitional nonzero-energy Higgs field-particle composite which under spontaneous symmetry restoring produces massive particle on zero-energy attachment space with the longitudinal component. The opposite of attachment space is detachment space as the space for kinetic energy and the nonzero-energy reverse Higgs field. The combination of n units of attachment space (de-noted as 1) and n units of detachment space (denoted as 0) brings about the three digital structures: binary partition space (1)n(0)n, miscible space (1 + 0)n, and binary lattice space (1 0)n to account for quantum mechanics, special relativity, and the force fields, respectively. In the third postulate, all physical laws and phenomena are permanently reversible in the multiverse, and temporary irreversible entropy increase is allowed. Our universe is an asymmetrical dual posi-tive-energy-negative-energy universe where the positive-energy universe on attachment space absorbed the interuniversal void on detachment space to result in the combination of attachment space and detachment space, while the negative-energy universe did not absorb the interuniversal void, resulting in temporary irreversible entropy increase through reversibility breaking, sym-metry violation, and low entropy beginning. Guided by the reversible negative-energy universe, our dual universe is a globally reversible cyclic dual universe.