Abstract We examine Ar XVI spectra measured by an X-ray crystal spectrometer to estimate electron temperature anisotropy in high-temperature electron cyclotron heated plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD). We calculate the atomic structure and electron impact excitation cross section between magnetic sublevels of Ar XVI. By assuming a bi-Maxwellian electron distribution function and considering the mount parameters of the X-ray spectrometer in LHD, we model the expected intensity ratio q/r as a function of Te⊥B and Te||B, where ⊥ B and ||B denote perpendicular and parallel components to the magnetic axis of the toroidal plasma, respectively. The calculation results show that the intensity ratio of q and r, which are formed by inner-shell excitation from the ground state of Ar15+, is sensitive to electron temperature anisotropy. We apply the calculation results to the LHD experiments. The ratio of q/r changes with variations in electron density and collision frequency. In the core and low νe region, Te⊥B is predominant, and the electron temperature becomes isotropic above νe > 104 Hz. By combining electron temperature measurements from Thomson scattering and radial profile of Ar15+ ions estimated using the extreme ultraviolet spectrometer, local values of Te⊥B/Te||B are quantitatively estimated using the q/r ratio. The derived Te⊥B/Te||B is compared with collision frequency, radial electric field, and effective helical ripple, and the experimental results are explained qualitatively.
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