Empirically, this study aims to look at the Effect of Big Five Personality Traits and Social Support on Flourishing Students Undergoing Lectures During the Pandemic Period. The population in this study were 150 students and 150 students were the sample where the sample was taken using random sampling. Data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and documentation, data analysis was carried out by multiple regression, hypothesis testing t test, F test, and determination test. The results showed that the main effect of each of the Big Five dimensions of Personality and Social Support p: (1) a. There is a significant positive effect between Extraversion and Flourishing personality types as seen from the significance value where the coefficient tx2ay = 9.529 with p = 0.000, means p <0.05, (2) b. There is no significant positive effect on Agreeableness Fluorishing, where the coefficient tx2by 1.165 with p=0.282, means p> 0.05, (3) c. There is a significant positive influence between Counsicientiousness and flourishing personality types where the coefficient tx2cy = 10.099 with p = 0.000, means p <0.05, (4) d. There is no significant positive effect between Nerotic and Fluorishing personality types, where the coefficient of tx2dy is 0.896 with p = 0.372, meaning p>0.05, (5) e. There is no significant positive effect between Openness to experience and Fluorishing personality types, where the tx2ey coefficient is 0.098 with p = 0.922, meaning p> 0.05. Social support has a significant positive effect on Floursihing where the value of the coefficient tx1y = 8.161 with p = 0.000 means p <0.05. For the Interaction effect, (1).a there is a significant influence of social support and personality type a (Extraversion) simultaneously on Fluorishing where the coefficient F = 45.410; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050. (2) b. There is significant effect of social support and personality type b (Agreebleness) simultaneously on Fluorishing where the coefficient F = 34.853; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050. (3) c. There is a significant influence of social support and personality type c (Counscientiousness) simultaneously on Fluorishing where the coefficient F = 78.855; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050. (4) d. There is a significant effect of social support and personality type d (Nerotic) simultaneously on Fluorishing where the coefficient F = 33,497; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050. (5) e. There is a significant effect of social support and personality type e (Opennes to experience) simultaneously on Fluorishing where the coefficient F = 33.080; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050.Of the Big Five Personality and Social Support variables, only the Counsicientiousness and Extraversion dimensions have the most significant determination coefficient values, where Counsicientiousness (R2) = 0.518 or 51.80%, while Extraversion (R2) = 0.382 or 38, 20% (2) Thus it can be concluded that of the five dimensions of Big Five Personality there are two dimensions that have a significant influence, namely Counsicientiousness and Extraversion between Big Five Personality and Social support with Flourishing in third semester students of the law faculty of North Sumatra University in undergoing college during their tenure pandemic.
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