Background and Aims:Prognostication of chest trauma patients by scoring systems is of vital importance to predict morbidity and mortality. We aimed to predict outcomes in chest trauma patients using chest trauma scoring system (CTS) in Indian patients.Methods:This was a prospective observational study done in a trauma care centre at a tertiary care teaching public hospital. CTS was calculated by scores of age, severity of pulmonary contusion, number of rib fractures and presence of bilateral rib fractures. Final CTS ranges from 2 to 12. We evaluated CTS to predict outcome that is mortality as primary objective and development of complications like pneumonia and need for ventilator support as secondary objective in Indian population.Results:Data were collected from 30 patients and they were divided into two groups, CTS <5 (15) and CTS ≥5 (15). High CTS ≥5 was statistically significantly associated with high incidence of pneumonia (P = 0.046), increased requirement of mechanical ventilation (P = 0.025) and mortality (P = 0.035) in chest trauma. Area under the ROC for mortality shows that the test is acceptable (0.75) and at CTS score 5.5 maximum sensitivity is 87.5% and specificity is 68%.Conclusion:This study concludes that a CTS ≥5 is associated with poor outcomes. This scoring system may be used to identify patients at risk of complications and institute early intensive focussed care.