Soil formation is usually envisaged as acting from the surface downwards. In many environments, however, the accumulation of sediment and soil formation are contemporaneous. It is only where the rate of one process far exceeds the rate of the other that assumptions of topdown pedogenesis are appropriate. The aspect of upbuilding pedogenesis that distinguishes it from topdown pedogenesis is that each increment of soil below the A horizon has experienced processes characteristic of all horizons above it. This study examines the influence of upbuilding soil formation in a high rainfall environment of rapid soil formation and slow loess accretion—an environment where upbuilding could have a noticeable influence on soil properties. Soils formed by topdown soil formation (topdown soils) are compared with soils formed in loess that accumulated from early Last Glaciation to the Holocene (upbuilding soils). Soils are compared in two environments: Alaquods on poorly-drained terraces and Placorthods or Dystrochrepts on well-drained moraine crests. We have assumed that properties of the upbuilding soils inherited during the current topdown phase of pedogenesis beginning in the Holocene are analogous to those in the topdown soils. In this manner soil properties evolved during upbuilding are distinguished. In well-drained upbuilding soils on moraines, subsoil organic carbon has mineralised so that profile trends are very similar to corresponding topdown soils. Upbuilding has enhanced weathering in subsoils which is reflected in lower pH, lower total P and lower primary inorganic P than in topdown soil counterparts. Total P concentrations in upbuilding soils are much lower than unweathered loess and constant throughout the subsoil, and there is almost no P in primary forms. In contrast, total P in C horizons of topdown soils reaches concentrations typical of the parent material and more than 30% of this is in a primary inorganic form. The differences are attributed to each subsoil increment of upbuilding soils having been part of acid A and E horizons. Oxalate extractable Fe and Al data indicate that podzolisation was active during upbuilding. Poorly-drained upbuilding soils on terraces have higher subsoil organic carbon (inherited from former A or O horizons) than comparable topdown soils. Buried A and O horizons inherited during upbuilding and preserved in the reducing conditions have acted as sinks for mobile Al and now resemble podzolic illuvial Bh horizons. Upbuilding through addition of loess to soils promotes a pedogenic pathway distinct from topdown pedogenesis. Consequently, soil chronosequence studies that include soils on old, loess-mantled surfaces do not strictly satisfy the assumptions of soil chronosequences. The nature and rate of soil processes inferred from these studies need revisiting. The findings of this study are transferable to other environments where the rate of soil formation and sediment accumulation are comparable.