P.K. Jefferey, Structural Changes in Asthma. T. Cocks, Changes in Vascular Reactivity in Artherogenesis: Markers of Endothial Cell Dysfunction Associated with Initiation of the Disease. J.H. Campbell and G.R. Campbell, Vascular Smooth Muscle in Culture and its Relevance to the Study of Arthrogenesis. V. Lindner, In Vivo Investigations of Vascular Smooth Muscle Remodelling. M.J. Karnovsky and E.R. Edelman, Heparin/Heparan Sulphate Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Behaviour. M.I. Kotlikoff, Regulation of Cytoplasmic Calcium in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells: Implications for Growth and Contractility. J.G. Martin, Animal Studies with Drugs Affecting Airway Smooth Muscle Thickening. M. Okazawa, P.D. Pare, J.C. Hogg, and R.K. Lambert, Mechanical Consequences of Remodelling of the Airway Wall. A.J. Woolcock and J.K. Peat, Is Asthma a Reversible Disease? L.A. Laitinen and A. Laitinen, Anti-Inflammatory Therapy of Asthma: Corticosteroids. P. Konig, Anti-Inflammatory Therapy of Asthma: Non-Steroid Disease Modifying Agents. P. Gresele, Design of Large Multicentre Therapeutic Trials. The Relevance of the Cardiovascular Experience to the Design of Long Term Anti-Asthma Trials. Discussion Section. Subject Index.
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