The Bering Strait is the sole gateway and an oceanographic bottleneck for the seasonally warm and comparatively fresh and nutrient-rich Pacific waters to flow into the Arctic, melting ice, lowering salinity, and feeding bird, mammal, and fish populations. The Diomede Islands split this small strait into two main channels, both with northward flow (in the annual mean). The eastern channel, in U.S. waters, also seasonally carries the warmer, fresher Alaskan Coastal Current. Year-round in situ mooring observations (in place since 1990 with annual servicing) show a significant flow increase in the (northward) throughflow, along with seasonal and annual fluctuations. To help with measuring and modelling water flow estimates, we created the first detailed shore-to-shore bathymetric surface of the Bering Strait’s eastern channel, located its narrowest cross-section (1.8 km2) as occurring 5–10 km south of the moorings, and quantified the cross-section across the moorings (2.0 km2), both slightly larger than previously estimated (1.6 km2). Overlaps between older (∼1950) and newer (∼2010) bathymetry data sets identified clear areas of erosion and deposition, with much of the eastern channel having eroded by > 1 m. Since the depth is uniformly ∼ 50 m across much of the eastern channel, the 1 m of erosion that we quantified would only slightly (2 %) increase the sizes of the cross-sections. Much of the seafloor is hard substrate and probably composed of cobbles, but we hypothesize that friction from strong (∼1 + knot) seafloor currents is the most likely explanation for the erosion that we observed. In softer and siltier areas, the bathymetry showed additional evidence of potential current impacts in the form of small seafloor waves (∼0.5 to ∼ 1.0 m tall) and a shore-parallel bar offshore of Cape Prince of Wales Spit. There are large (∼2 m tall) seafloor waves seaward of Cape Prince of Wales Shoal. A previously undescribed (∼1 to 2 km wide, ∼4 m deep) seafloor channel of unknown origin occurred along a linear north/south axis for the full 75 km extent of the bathymetric surface. The southern end of this seafloor channel was near the end of three larger seafloor channels extending westerly out of nearby Norton Sound, suggesting a common origin. These Norton Sound channels may be paleodrainages, as their eastern ends point toward Seward Peninsula inlets with large drainages where paleoglaciers were reported to have existed, but the morphology of these channels is also consistent with tidal channels.
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