Recently, it was demonstrated that even basic numerical cognition such as the processing of number magnitude is under cognitive control. However, evidence so far primarily came from adaptation effects to stimulus characteristics (e.g., relative frequency of specific stimulus categories). Expanding this approach, we evaluated a possible influence of more active exertion of cognitive control on basic number processing in task switching. Participants had to perform a magnitude comparison task while we manipulated the order of compatible and incompatible input–output modalities (i.e., auditory/vocal input–visual/manual output vs. auditory/visual input–manual/vocal output, respectively) on the trial level, differentiating repeat vs. switch trials. Results indicated that the numerical distance effect but not the problem size effect was increased after a switch in input–output modality compatibility. In sum, these findings substantiate that basic number processing is under cognitive control by providing first evidence that it is influenced by the active exertion of cognitive control as required in task switching.
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