The so-called ’left turn’ that have taken place in Latin Americanpolitics since 1999, seems to correspond to a profound revision ofneo-liberal economics and politics of the 1980’s and 90’s. Part ofthis revision seems to be a revitalization of the nation state as aneconomic, political and symbolic (identity) resource. Anotherimportant aspect of the increasing influence of the left is the‘return of utopia’. This utopia is not identical to the socialist andleft utopias of the 60’s and 70’s, as part of the new and radical leftin Latin America tends to see nation and utopia as two sides of acoin. This fact calls the attention to the case of Cuba, oftenthought of as an obsolete ‘left-over’ of past decades, as the Cuban‘model’ actually combines two discourses: the utopian and thenational. The article presents shortly a theoretical frame-work anddiscusses some general elements of national(ist) and utopianidentity discourse. Finally it discusses some basic elements of theCuban model.
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