Abstract We examine the morphological and kinematical properties of SPT-2147, a strongly lensed, massive, dusty, star-forming galaxy at z = 3.762. Combining data from JWST, HST, and ALMA, we study the galaxy’s stellar emission, dust continuum and gas properties. The imaging reveals a central bar structure in the stars and gas embedded within an extended disc with a spiral arm-like feature. The kinematics confirm the presence of the bar and of the regularly rotating disc. Dynamical modeling yields a dynamical mass, Mdyn = (9.7 ± 2.0) × 1010 M⊙, and a maximum rotational velocity to velocity dispersion ratio, V/σ = 9.8 ± 1.2. From multi-band imaging we infer, via SED fitting, a stellar mass, M⋆ = (6.3 ± 0.9) × 1010 $\rm {M}_{\odot }$, and a star formation rate, SFR = 781 ± 99 ${\rm {\rm M}_{\odot } yr^{-1}}$, after correcting for magnification. Combining these measurements with the molecular gas mass, we derive a baryonic-to-total mass ratio of Mbar/Mdyn = 1.1 ± 0.3 within 4.0 kpc. This finding suggests that the formation of bars in galaxies begins earlier in the history of the Universe than previously thought and can also occur in galaxies with elevated gas fractions.
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